This week we have been reflecting on the importance of rest and recharging in our work. Under pressure to get by in this society, particularly under the emotional weight of experiencing deprivation, violence and loss, we often feel as if we must keep working to our limit. But we know this can lead to burnout, further impacting us, our communities and our work. To make a change in the long term for us and those around us, we must consider our wellbeing. Rest gives us the opportunity for reflection, to recharge and nourish ourselves as our struggle continues. We will continue to centre the importance of rest, and we hope you do too.
Strength and peace,
The 4Front Project Team
4FRONT featured in new book by Forensic Architecture

After a coroner’s inquest ruled Mark Duggan’s killing ‘lawful’ and the police watchdog organisation issued a report siding with the officers’ version of events, the Duggan family’s legal team commissioned Forensic Architecture to conduct an investigation into the critical question at the heart of the case: How did the gun end up in the grass? Last week, Forensic Architecture released the first book in a new book series: Forensic Architecture Reports #1: The Police Shooting of Mark Duggan. The book features a roundtable discussion between, 4Front Director, Temi Mwale, community activist Stafford Scott, scholar Adam Elliot-Cooper and lawyer Marcia Willis Stewart. They explore the circumstances of Mark’s death and the colonial and legal histories that have shaped the policing of Black people in the postwar era. The whole book covers research methodologies, texts from the investigation, interviews with collaborators and more. You can find out more here.
4FRONT sign Joint Letter to Education Secretary

We have extended our support and solidarity to the #KeepCaringTo18 campaign by adding our signature to a joint letter to the Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson. This letter aims to reverse the unacceptable practice of placing unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in hotels with limited access to adult support, supervision and care. The continued holding of children in accommodation like hotels could also breach the Children Act 1989 and local authorities’ corporate parenting duties. Children arriving in the UK have had to flee human rights abuse and persecution, their journey to this country has been painful and long, and they need to be protected and looked after in places that will nurture their safety as soon as possible. You can read and share the letter here.
Rashan Charles: “Accidental Death” of a Black Londoner
Four years ago on 22 July, a police officer pursued a young Black man into a convenience store. Within minutes, the young man, Rashan Charles, was dead. Shine a Light and Novara Media have collaborated on this documentary about the ‘accidental death’ of Rashan Charles, who died following police restraint in Hackney in 2017. Please be aware that this film contains distressing scenes of police violence. Watch the short film here.
Movement for Justice

We're spotlighting Movement for Justice - an organisation that is building an immigrant & youth-led, independent, integrated, civil & immigrant rights movement. They aim to stop the systematic scapegoating of immigrants and demonisation of the Muslim community, and to end the hostile environment of racism in Britain. They have been campaigning relentlessly in recent days against a deportation charter flight to Jamaica. Thanks to the efforts of collective organising and legal challenges, dozens of people were removed from the flight before it took off. Movement for Justice continue to highlight the brutal treatment that individuals and whole families who are impacted by the immigration system face. Please support them as they continue the fight against this system. You can find out more about their work here.
Kids of Colour Summer School

We're spotlighting Kids Of Colour's Summer School which is providing a space for young people to come together to explore ‘race’, identity, history and resistance. The Summer School is a 4-day experience for young people of colour aged 14 - 19 in Greater Manchester. The School will include workshops, talks and activities from speakers, artists and facilitators from the area. It started this week online and will continue in-person next week. Find out more about their work here.