This week, we’ve been reflecting on our fight for justice, peace and freedom. As Tuesday marked the first anniversary of the horrific murder of George Floyd, we are remembering him and all those whose lives have been cut short as a result of police and state violence. We remember that the UK is not innocent, with 1784 people dying in police custody or following police contact since 1990 here, with no single conviction. One year on, we stay hopeful and recommit to all the work that needs to be done. We continue to fight for a future where communities are thriving, nourished, strong and free from systems of oppression.
Strength and solidarity,
The 4Front Project Team
INTRODUCING: Life At The 4Front
This week, we are excited to launch Life At The 4Front. Throughout this new video series, you will hear directly from our team about what 4Front does and how we do it. Though our work in public, at protests and events, often makes headlines, this series looks behind the scenes at the transformative, creative and visionary support work that makes up our day to day.
Every individual that joins the 4Front team has a journey that led them to contribute to our vision of fighting for justice, peace and freedom. Here we talk about some team members’ roles at 4Front, what brought them to this work and how they contribute to 4Front’s vision each and every day. Press play to listen to Shanea, Kusai, Abz, Emmanuel & Andre talk about #LifeAtThe4Front.
The Police Bill, SVROs and guilt by association
By Lee Bridges:
The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill reintroduced to Parliament contains provisions for a significant extension in the use of police stop and search powers under new Serious Violence Reduction Orders (SVROs). Those who are made subject to such orders will be marked out to be stopped and searched at any time and in any public place, ie, without the normal requirement for the police officer to have ‘reasonable grounds for suspecting that the person stopped is in possession of a knife or other offensive weapon at the time. To give effect to this, those subject to SVROs will be legally required to notify the police in any areas they move to or choose to reside for more than a month, and failure to do so will itself constitute a criminal offence punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment. Read more here [via Institute of Race Relations].
Just for Kids Law
We’re spotlighting Just for Kids Law - an organisation that focuses on supporting young people and children to ensure their legal rights are promoted and respected, and their voices are valued and heard. This week, they released an important resource for those supporting young people who are facing homelessness. This resource can help identify what support a child needs and is entitled to, and how to give practical advice to young people on what their rights are. You can use the resource here.
My Life My Say
This week, we’re spotlighting My Life My Say - a youth-led, non-partisan charity aiming to empower young people to participate in democracy. They have recently started a petition to stop voter ID from becoming law in Britain. This is a huge risk for democratic participation as more than 2 million voters could lack the necessary ID to participate in any future election process. This is according to the Government’s own analysis of its flagship bill on voting rights. Moreover, 48% of black people are most likely to hold only one form of photo ID. If these proposals become law, this could have huge negative implications on young people that are already marginalised in society. You can sign the petition here.